Version 3 – Changes in detail

Here is a list of all detailed changes of the last program versions.

2023/10 – Version 3.60

  • CORRECTION: person text (e.g. info text in navigator or text copy from input dialog) contained special characters
  • CORRECTION: Plausibility check: for some date errors in confirmation, baptism event was shown
  • CORRECTION: Full text search: hits under the tab “Partner/Children” were displayed with a protection violation

2023/10 – Version 3.59

  • NEW: Link to manuals (in main menu under “?”)
  • OPTIMIZATION: “HintWindows” are positioned deeper depending on mouse pointer size
  • OPTIMIZATION: Input dialog: Display marriage type “Religous” (from Brothers Keeper) as “ecclesiastical
  • OPTIMIZATION: Input dialog: Options context menu: the option “Show internet search” was not always checked reliably
  • OPTIMIZATION: Islands: call person directly – even if closed person group is selected
  • OPTIMIZATION: Children selection dialog breaks name of second parent unhappily (e.g. when adding a father if mother and sibling are present)
  • OPTIMIZATION: Lists: Names of married persons are now displayed with “last name, first name” (as well as the names of the persons themselves)
  • OPTIMIZATION: Lists: with option “creator” a link to the creator dialog is added
  • OPTIMIZATION: List preview: Hourglass mouse pointer when printing
  • OPTIMIZATION: Options “Panels”: at option “Creator” (in “Footer”) a link to the creator dialog
  • OPTIMIZATION: Place management: coordinates from Wikipedia can be copied correctly from clipboard
  • OPTIMIZATION: correct incorrect GEDCOM structure from other software (RESI xxx => RESI.PLAC xxx)
  • OPTIMIZATION: no more “flickering” when options dialog was closed with “Ok
  • OPTIMIZATION: change of input mode (Ctrl+I in navigator – “simple” to “complete”) brought a (mostly) empty “note tab” in the input dialog
  • CORRECTION: Address management: if there are no addresses, you are asked if you want to create one – if you deny, an hourglass cursor remained
  • CORRECTION: term “denomination” replaced at other places by “religion” (same name as event)
  • CORRECTION: Calculation of known partners corrected
  • CORRECTION: CSV import: at certain file ends the import of data got into an endless loop
  • CORRECTION: Print dialog: sometimes only a maximum of 99 was displayed as last pageCORRECTION: input dialog: when changing “preferred name”, person was not re-sorted alphabetically
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: when changing the tab, changed data was not taken over (affected tabs: “Parents/Siblings”, “Media”, “Tasks”)
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: aborts change of input mode because of plausi message, then program freezes at second input mode change
  • CORRECTION: Islands: if closed group of persons was called, this group was kept at the next call of an input dialog
  • CORRECTION: Merge persons: check for different data also considers “sub-days” like “ADDR
  • CORRECTION: Merge persons: when merging different data (without option “unequal events …”) GEDCOM name was appended instead of value
  • CORRECTION: Merge persons: several images could be marked as “main image” in the end
  • CORRECTION: Person sheet: particularly long event names were displayed too far to the left of the sheet when first called up
  • CORRECTION: Plausibility check: date check (valid, GEDCOM compatible, in the future) was previously only done for personal/partnership “standard” events
  • CORRECTION: Full-text search with finding places in the image title did not bring the input dialog with tab “Media” to the foreground

2023/06 – Version 3.58

  • OPTIMIZATION: Age indication even if death date is missing but burial date is available
  • OPTIMIZATION: Insert images: internal image titles of JPG files in the style of “CREATOR:*” are ignored
  • OPTIMIZATION: Dialog “Merge persons” is now zoomable
  • OPTIMIZATION: Input dialog: double event “Gender” may now also be deleted
  • OPTIMIZATION: options/text modules: “default button” (useful for language change)
  • OPTIMIZATION: when changing language also adjust options/text modules
  • CORRECTION: input dialog (“complete”): Event “Identification number” no longer asks for a “type” if nothing was entered
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog (“complete”): when calling the dialog “Add event/fact” the mouse scroll wheel now works for scrolling
  • CORRECTION: Lists: when mixing witnesses/ godparents as text/person, the term “godparents:”/”witnesses:” was duplicated
  • CORRECTION: Deletion of partners did not work with “degenerated” families (3 partners, one of them not existing anymore)
  • CORRECTION: Location management: Pressing the Enter button closed dialog without saving entries
  • CORRECTION: Add partner: it was not possible to add an already existing same-sex partner
  • CORRECTION: Person sheet: event “Residence” became “Contact”, even if only notes/sources are filled in
  • CORRECTION: person sheet: addresses were missing zip code, state/region, country
  • CORRECTION: Person sheet: marriage “date/place unknown” resulted in a “Y”.
  • CORRECTION: Personal data sheet: in case of several parents (e.g. with the same mother) there were duplicate siblings/children
  • CORRECTION: Person sheet: multi-line source citations were not converted to continuous text
  • CORRECTION: Person sheet: new option for notes/sources at the end (default: activated)
  • CORRECTION: Person sheet: optional location details were missing
  • CORRECTION: witness list: the second marriage date was indented (same couple, second marriage)

2023/05 – Version 3.57

  • NEW: Lists: Date and creator in header optionally available in all lists (in general options)
  • NEW: Lists: Notes/sources selectable in general options – thus also accessible from print preview
  • NEW: Location management: delete unused locations (analog to source management)
  • OPTIMIZATION: “Extras / Options… / Lists (Data)”: Options for date and creator are available for all lists
  • OPTIMIZATION: Address management: also consider “RESI ortsname” (not GEDCOM compliant from third party software)
  • OPTIMIZATION: CSV import: date correction especially for 8-digit number formats
  • OPTIMIZATION: CSV import: check if column header is a valid GEDCOM tag
  • OPTIMIZATION: CSV import: accelerated if without REFN, i.e. person assignment based on names
  • OPTIMIZATION: CSV import: new partners/parents are also created if not existing
  • OPTIMIZATION: CSV import: store non-valid GEDCOM tag headings with value in notes
  • OPTIMIZATION: Input dialog: Option “Date correction during input”: improved recognition of 8-digit number formats
  • OPTIMIZATION: List “Addresses”: also consider “RESI place name” (not GEDCOM compliant from third party software)
  • OPTIMIZATION: Person sheets: design revised
  • OPTIMIZATION: Person sheets: some options now also under “Tools / Options… / Lists (Data)
  • OPTIMIZATION: Full text search: include “RESI ortsname” when searching for places (not GEDCOM compliant from third party software)
  • CORRECTION: CSV import: progress bar when sorting the family was occasionally not correct
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog (complete): Mark change of child order as change also for partner
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog (complete): Change of partner order was not recognized as change of file
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: Mark deletion of a parent also as a change at the parent
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: Mark deletion of a partner as a change also for the children
  • CORRECTION: Export XML/GEDCOM 6.0: Marking of married name: “maiden name” replaced by “married”
  • CORRECTION: Descendant chart: Repositioning of children to parents no longer for “single parents”
  • CORRECTION: Descendant chart: several optimizations regarding lineages
  • CORRECTION: Descendant chart: overlapping lines in connection with “single parent lines” eliminated
  • CORRECTION: Symbols in toolbar are now disabled (if unnecessary) at program startup
  • CORRECTION: Full text search: selecting “Sources” now also finds in source notes/citations

2023/04 – Version 3.56

  • NEW: Options: GEDCOM import: button to set to standard values
  • OPTIMIZATION: Adding images: remember last directory (input dialog, details, source management, location management)
  • OPTIMIZATION: Pedigree chart: situations with overlapping lines fixed
  • OPTIMIZATION: Pedigree chart: several minor optimizations

2023/04 – Version 3.56

  • NEW: Options: GEDCOM import: button to set to standard values
  • OPTIMIZATION: Adding images: remember last directory (input dialog, details, source management, location management)
  • OPTIMIZATION: Pedigree chart: situations with overlapping lines fixed
  • OPTIMIZATION: Pedigree chart: several minor optimizations

2023/04 – Version 3.55

  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: when deleting a partner, a marriage with “empty” partner was always kept
  • CORRECTION: descendant chart: children were missing sometimes
  • OPTIMIZATION: Lists: parts of an address are now displayed in meaningful order and put in brackets

2023/04 – Version 3.54

  • BUG FIXED: Input dialog “complete”: Tab “CV”: Click on a partner event sometimes jumps to the wrong partnership
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: Input dialog could get “stuck” on name changes
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: when removing a partner with existing partner data, the latter are now preserved
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: when adding a partner with existing partner data, the latter are now preserved
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: if an “empty” partner was clicked, a new additional partner was created by mistake
  • CORRECTION: GEDCOM export: program hung when overlong “data garbage” was found in a tag value
  • CORRECTION: GEDCOM export: slashes in the name were replaced by backslash “\
  • CORRECTION: Phonetic search: was not active when searching in all data fields
  • CORRECTION: Fixed “alive” check (at a certain date) so that (too small) maximum age has no influence on existing death date
  • CORRECTION: Charts: RIN as indicator behind last name was not shortened despite option
  • OPTIMIZATION: Input dialog “complete”: Event source: possibly unnecessary request for source name, when adding an image
  • OPTIMIZATION: Input dialog “complete”: Partner event source: empty source long title from source management is erroneously filled by adding a picture
  • OPTIMIZATION: input dialog: after deleting a person jump to the last called person
  • OPTIMIZATION: Location management: check of coordinate values optimized
  • OPTIMIZATION: Phonetic search: optimized: TH=T, PH=F
  • OPTIMIZATION: Family tree: child order is now as consistent as possible
  • OPTIMIZATION: Charts: without selected data a better display is generated now
  • OPTIMIZATION: Update dialog: new link to details of new program version

2023/02 – Version 3.53

  • NEW: List “Confessions”: with sorting alphabetically and frequency
  • OPTIMIZATION: Master list: no more header, because already mentioned in header
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog “complete”: tab “name”: with more button a red star, although underlying fields are empty
  • CORRECTION: input dialog: right area with relatives could be hidden and not shown again – now minimal width
  • CORRECTION: added variable StrictDelimiter = true to function GetWord(…), so that control characters do not disappear (e.g. for bold print)
  • CORRECTION: Charts: footer text was partly in the person frames

2023/02 – Version 3.52

  • CORRECTION: Input dialog “simple”: when creating a new person, it was not asked if this person should be called directly
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog “complete”/source management: sources with empty “quote” were wrongly recognized as file changes
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: if name is changed, also adjust status of navigation buttons (if moved to the beginning or to the end)
  • CORRECTION: List of person sheets: too many persons were saved when using search terms and then saving as ancestor file
  • CORRECTION: Merge persons: if persons are merged, of which one is godfather/best man, this info could be lost under certain circumstances
  • NEW: Input dialog: in the options context menu new option “Ask if directly jump to newly created relative”.
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: when changing the name, the corresponding flag is reset to avoid time-consuming sorting again
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: when the name is changed, the person is now sorted faster alphabetically into the family.
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: when changing the user defined ID, the name will be changed directly, if it is used as flag behind the name.
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: when creating new persons, the title line is updated now, so that the specification “x of y” is correct
  • OPTIMIZED: Go to dialog: even after changes the last selected person is kept

2023/01 – Version 3.51

  • BUG FIXED: Input dialog (simple) / Details: Notes links (@Nxxx@) were not resolved
  • CORRECTION: Pedigree: crossing line in connection with children without partner fixed
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog (input mode “simple”): when changing names, the sort order of the persons was not adjusted
  • CORRECTION: input dialog: if a note is deleted (from e.g. Ages! internally as note reference), then the note reference is now also deleted and thus the X in the overview disappears
  • CORRECTION: some obsolete file formats were still visible in certain save dialogs
  • CORRECTION: GEDCOM export: modification date of a person was erroneously saved in GEDCOM format
  • CORRECTION: GEDCOM export: when changing the date format, CHAN.DATE was saved with brackets
  • CORRECTION: GEDCOM export: conversion to GEDCOM date format now correct even if date separator is ‘-‘.
  • CORRECTION: Correction of some “memory leaks
  • CORRECTION: Navigator/Input dialog: when creating a new child of a mother without a partner, no birth name was given for the second child
  • CORRECTION: Navigator/input dialog: when creating a new child/sibling, the gender is taken into account when displaying a suggestion list
  • CORRECTION: location management: add picture to a location without further data, added it to the central person in the navigator
  • CORRECTION: rare protection violation on memory release is now caught
  • CORRECTION: log table: option “partners / also partners of partners” did not work
  • CORRECTION: Statistics “Causes of death”: if also deaths without causes of death are considered, the legend text now reads “x events ‘death’ in y persons”.
  • CORRECTION: Charts: additional space is now reserved for the footnote so that it does not overlap any person frames when the margins are small
  • OPTIMIZED: Ancestor table: with partners with line behind person frame it could come to crossing lines
  • OPTIMIZED: Pedigree: duplication of persons in certain situations fixed
  • OPTIMIZED: Pedigree: situation with crossing lines fixed
  • OPTIMIZED: CSV export: omit columns HUSB/WIFE/CHIL – are empty anyway
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog (input mode “simple”): show partner status “unmarried” under tab “Data
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog/navigator: indicate age even if only baptism date is known (then preceded by “~ “)
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: Column “Age” is now also filled if only baptism date is known (then age in brackets)
  • OPTIMIZED: GEDCOM export: CHAR specification now as second tag (directly after HEAD)
  • OPTIMIZED: GEDCOM import: some functions accelerated when opening large GEDCOM files
  • OPTIMIZED: Complete kinship/ancestry table: sometimes persons could not be duplicated
  • OPTIMIZED: reading/writing of INI files accelerated (accelerates especially exiting the portable version on slow USB stick)
  • OPTIMIZED: Source management/input dialog: merge invalid duplicate citations
  • OPTIMIZED: Source management: delete unnecessary empty NOTE tags, otherwise notes may not be displayed
  • OPTIMIZED: stem table: proband is centered with partner
  • OPTIMIZED: additional progress bars added (GEDCOM import, close family or end program, …)

2022/11 – Version 3.50

  • NEW: Event list: extended by options for all events, sorting by year, deceased persons
  • NEW: Location list: extended by options to display all events
  • OPTIMIZED: when saving logs (merge persons, GEDCOM import, plausibility check) include the name of the ancestor file in the file name
  • OPTIMIZED: dialogs for “contrast designs” under Windows adapted
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: when inserting a source image at second source, the source text/title and the source buttons are updated now
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: Name changes are applied before a new child, sibling or parent is created
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: if mouse over input mode text in status bar, then hand cursor and info text
  • OPTIMIZED: List “godparents”: indentations when sorting by godparents were not always correct
  • OPTIMIZED: License dialog revised (additional info text, link to find license)
  • OPTIMIZED: MsgBox: Determine height of dialog better
  • OPTIMIZED: Merge persons: Option “… merge to one event” option for input mode “simple
  • OPTIMIZED: Merge persons: Check for name equality tightened (at least 2 characters, first must be letter)
  • CORRECTION: CSV import: Problem solved if empty parent pairs followed by an existing parent pair
  • CORRECTION: Navigator: if gender of a person and partner was changed, then default image of partners was not adjusted
  • CORRECTION: Preview: delete before inserting new image
  • CORRECTION: Charts dialog: in all styles/variants replaced the term “spouse” by “partner
  • BUG FIXED: when dialog component was open (e.g. file selection dialogs), task switch did not switch back to dialog
  • BUG RESOLVED: Hourglass Chart: source person was doubled at complete relationship
  • BUG RESOLVED: Family tree: persons were sometimes displayed in wrong generation – resulting in many duplicate persons
  • BUG RESOLVED: Search: without “closed person group” or “hit list in advance” always the central person of the navigator was shown

2022/10 – Version 3.49

  • BUG FIXED: adding a second parent could result in a protection violation
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: positioning was not correct on multiple screens
  • OPTIMIZED: Charts: missing first name (and other data) only for “…” Replace option with three dots
  • OPTIMIZED: Lists: at “data abbreviation”: baptism godparents in text form out, because also baptism godparent references, witnesses and cause of death are not shown
  • OPTIMIZED: Family tree: vertical positioning was not always correct (possibly marriage/sibling lines outside of the chart)

2022/10 – Version 3.48

  • CORRECTION: Chart “Pedigree (page based)”: Clean up header/footer, otherwise there might be lines and the header of the last list there.
  • CORRECTION: Lists “Ancestor evaluation”/”Summary descendants”: Texts were occasionally indented
  • CORRECTION: Chart: “Create a chart dialog”: selection “Width of person frames” is hidden at “Ancestor chart (page based)
  • CORRECTION: Input dialog: “remembered” width was always increased to 900 pixels
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: also remember position permanently
  • OPTIMIZED: Charts: maximum number of person frames increased from 5,000 to 8,000
  • BUG FIXED: when adding a second parent a protection violation could occur

2022/10 – Version 3.47

  • NEW: Input dialog: Remember size and splitter position permanently when changing
  • NEW: Person sheets: optionally date and/or creator (name only) can be added to header line
  • NEW: Charts: optionally also the creator (name only) can be displayed in the footer of the chart
  • NEW: Chart: optionally also the number of generations can be displayed in the footer of the chart
  • OPTIMIZED: Pedigree table: restrict certain person duplications to style “complete kinship table
  • OPTIMIZED: pedigree table: option “style” is now called “variant” (“style” sounds too much like a purely optical adjustment)
  • OPTIMIZED: Chart: Center starting person of a chart if possible
  • OPTIMIZED: Chart: general “person gaps” in charts are eliminated
  • OPTIMIZED: Chart: siblings move better together
  • OPTIMIZED: Chart: Siblings are less duplicated
  • OPTIMIZED: Chart: children are better positioned under their parents
  • OPTIMIZED: Charts: Partners move better together
  • OPTIMIZED: Chart: Degree of slant of connecting lines is now 0 by default (after first installation)
  • OPTIMIZED: Panel print dialog: new button to switch between tabs “Display”/”Data selection
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: adjust table columns also when changing width of relatives list
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: Curriculum vitae: for witnesses of marriage added the type of marriage (ecclesiastical, civil)
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: Mode “simple”: Field names under tab “Data” now right-aligned
  • OPTIMIZED: Input dialog: Table columns (data/resume) now have minimum widths
  • OPTIMIZED: a non-Ahnenblatt GEDCOM file with changes: when closing or loading a new file, a save sub-dialog now appears (instead of automatic directory selection)
  • BUG FIXED: input dialog: Change to another person, Plausi message comes – afterwards renewed change to the desired person no longer possible
  • BUG RESOLVED: Lists “Ancestor Rating”, “Summary Descendants”: Unicode names were not displayed correctly in table
  • BUG RESOLVED: Options: Print / Images: at “Image display” the selection options were missing (panel images)
  • BUG RESOLVED: Merge Person: Protection violation with duplicate userdefined tags with underline
  • BUG RESOLVED: Charts: sibling line could be missing
  • BUG FIXED: Chart: crossing line if no line corridor possible for parent
  • CORRECTION: when adding image/file, a media folder was always created – even if not to be copied there
  • CORRECTION: when trying to open a broken file: when opening backup file, the original directory of the broken file is now offered
  • CORRECTION: when trying to open a defective file: message to save defective file in advance is no longer displayed
  • CORRECTION: input dialog: Problem when deleting a partnership without partner with further partnerless children fixed
  • CORRECTION: HTML website: if only one image is output, then now the main image (and not the first one)
  • CORRECTION: Resume: Marriage of a child was displayed as “best man” (and then twice) if person was best man with a child
  • CORRECTION: Family tree: message about duplicate persons in Chart came too often (also when changing options or saving as PDF)
  • CORRECTION: Tribal table: if in table preview e.g. options are changed, the duplicate frames were no longer enumerated in status line (“in x frames”)
  • CORRECTION: Search & Replace: in married name (_MARNM) no replacement took place (independent of search options)

2022/08 – Version 3.46

  • BUG FIXED: “Statistics Descendants”: Term “great-grandson” does not exist – deleted
  • BUG RESOLVED: LanguageEditor did not show all German terms – German.lng “shortened” (= rebuilt)

2022/08 – Version 3.45

  • BUG FIXED: Panel variant “Oldest ancestor”: selection list was not cleared for multiple ancestors
  • BUG FIXED: when saving in background the progress bar stopped after the second time

2022/08 – Version 3.44

  • NEW: List variant “Statistics Descendants” shows the descendant data of a person in tabular form (optionally colored and with personal data)
  • NEW: Master list: Generation lines added
  • NEW: Panel variant “Oldest ancestor” shows the line between proband and oldest ancestor (optional parents and siblings)
  • Address management: show hourglass cursor when calling, because calling can take a few seconds with large datasets
  • Lists: person selection dialog now has the name of the list as headline
  • Plausi: “Person without references” checks now also for godparents/witnesses and event “relationship
  • Family tree: default style (at very first program start) changed from “classic” to “simple descendants
  • Charts: default fonts (at very first program start) changed to “Segoe Script” and “Times New Roman
  • BUG FIXED: when saving in background, program hung occasionally – now saving recovery info as separate thread
  • BUG FIXED: Input dialog: Modified of TTntLookupEdit (input fields with suggestions) is explicitly reset – otherwise changes are detected where there are none
  • BUG RESOLVED: Export HTML page/website: empty names are now displayed as “…”.
  • BUG RESOLVED: Export HTML page/website: unmarried partnerships were missing
  • BUG RESOLVED: List variant “Ancestor Rating”: column widths of the line to be printed in bold were not considered
  • BUG RESOLVED: Merge persons: Protection violation with godparents/witnesses as person reference
  • BUG RESOLVED: Charts “Stemline”/”Motherline” did not save the correct number of persons as ancestor date

2022/07 – Version 3.43

  • BUG RESOLVED: Plausi: Access violation if date field contained only a hyphen and was checked for correct GEDCOM date
  • BUG RESOLVED: Statistics: when using the mouse scroll wheel in the table, error messages could occur
  • BUG RESOLVED: Charts: with standard formats (e.g. DIN formats) charts were not centered
  • BUG RESOLVED: Charts: Determination of height of person frames with image in person frame corrected
  • OPTIMIZED: Charts: in case of problems during creation offer switching off of standard images only if images are active at all
  • OPTIMIZED: Charts: in case of problems during creation also offer to switch off the background

2022/06 – Version 3.42

  • BUG FIXED: Input dialog: “Plausi during input” did not appear with some person changes
  • BUG FIXED: Lists: if first line of sources was marked with beginning “//”, it was output anyway
  • BUG FIXED: Plausi: siblings without parents were reported as persons without connections
  • BUG FIXED: Charts: marriage brackets were partly missing
  • BUG FIXED: Charts: sometimes too much free margin on the right side (e.g. at “Complete relationship chart” (base pedigree chart))
  • do not insert dots any more, if person is created with birth or first name only

2022/06 – Version 3.41

  • NEW: Function “Change history”: shows persons in the order of the last changes
  • NEW: List variant “Change history”: lists persons in the sequence of the last changes
  • OPTIMIZATION: Charts: dropped person islands are now merged
  • Input dialog: “Completion during input” can now also be found in the options
  • Navigator: tooltip also with wedding date of displayed partner
  • BUG FIXED: Ancestor/sand timer table: number of ancestor generations limited to x generations led to many duplicates in last generation
  • BUG RESOLVED: Ancestry chart: crossing connection if parents of wife already present
  • BUG RESOLVED: Pedigree: connecting line between duplicated siblings also connected intervening non-siblings
  • BUG RESOLVED: Pedigree: connecting line between half siblings no more
  • BUG RESOLVED: when deleting a person who is godfather or best man, possibly the wrong reference was removed at baptism/marriage
  • BUG RESOLVED: Input dialog “simple”: in the dialog “details” the “long names” were shown with several sources already once
  • BUG RESOLVED: Input dialog “complete”: under tab “Data” / “Partner/Children” the “long names” were shown at several sources before
  • BUG RESOLVED: Input dialog/details: some changes were not recognized as file changes
  • BUG RESOLVED: Input dialog: some changes did not change the modification date of the person
  • BUG RESOLVED: GEDCOM import: duplicate @ characters at the beginning were not recognized
  • BUG RESOLVED: Delete group: after selecting a person, the final delete dialog displayed an incorrect initial person
  • BUG RESOLVED: Show Islands: for “Closed Person Group” the wrong person could be pre-populated
  • BUG RESOLVED: Delete person: if the person was entered twice at the parents, under certain circumstances only one entry was deleted – the second one resulted in protection violation
  • BUG RESOLVED: Merge persons: if the option “merge also unequal events to one event if possible” was deactivated, a “record id: xx” was created in the notes
  • BUG RESOLVED: Merge persons: for events with TYPE (e.g. marriage church/official) and “date/place unknown” the flag “date/place unknown” was lost
  • BUG RESOLVED: Merge persons: with invalid OBJE links there was a protection violation
  • BUG RESOLVED: Merge People: Status of children to their parents was partially lost (e.g. adopted)
  • BUG RESOLVED: Merge people: if data is merged into one event, do not duplicate values if case is different
  • BUG RESOLVED: Source/task/address management: number of entries (bottom left) was not visible when switching languages
  • BUG RESOLVED: Source management: Image title changes were not applied
  • BUG RESOLVED: Family tree: do not consider partner when positioning children of a third marriage
  • BUG RESOLVED: Family tree: siblings with same partner could lead to overlapping person frames
  • BUG RESOLVED: if Ahnenblatt was still open when computer was shut down, navigator central person may have been changed or following backup failed
  • BUG RESOLVED: Restore info: if a backup file was found after an unexpected program termination and this file was not opened at the next program start, there were memory error messages as a consequence

2022/03 – Version 3.40

  • BUG FIXED: Image preview: Zoom function inverted on mouse scroll wheel forward/back (according to Windows standard)
  • BUG RESOLVED: CSV export: SURN/GIVN instead of NAME.SURN/NAME.GIVN to make CSV-based plugins work again
  • BUG RESOLVED: Input dialog: when entering an event source and changing the main tab, the source was duplicated when closing the dialog
  • BUG FIXED: Input dialog: when deleting a parent, the child was assigned twice to the remaining parent
  • BUG RESOLVED: Date sorting error
  • BUG RESOLVED: List witnesses (alphabetical witnesses): second witness was indented by mistake

GermanInnovations Version 4